Athletic Information - General » Athletic Information - General

Athletic Information - General

Foothill High School Athletics are under the direction of Mr. Mike Biezad. ([email protected])



For the 2024-2025 school year, students must complete the ONLINE athletic packet at SportsNet AND turn in a completed physical form dated after 4/1/24 in order to participate in any practices or conditioning sessions for the 2024-2025 school year.


  • We encourage all students to participate in the athletic program at Foothill High School.  All coaches urge their prospective athletes to be ready to go when school starts by pre-conditioning in July. Below is pertinent information that will give you your best chance for success when the season gets underway.  All athletes must have a physical and necessary paperwork completed and returned before practicing.  If you need additional information, you can contact your coach at the e-mail addresses below, or contact the Athletic Office at Foothill, 366-4491. 
  • All students must have proof of Tdap (Whooping Cough) vaccination on file in the Registrar’s Office before they can practice or attend school.
  • Your actual physical paper can be uploaded to your SportsNet account OR it can be dropped off at Foothill during school hours. 



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